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Children and Teenagers

I believe parents are healers and dreamers, nurturers and worriers, teachers and mistake makers. We wake up each morning ready to start over, to be a better parent, seeking forgiveness and yearning to find a way to both improve our parenting approach and enjoy being present with the wonders of childhood. Above all, we seek the knowledge and support to help our families thrive.


So, when you've tried all the lotions, potions, creams and prescriptions, yet your child is still suffering, it's time to seek a new way, a way where we address the underlying issues.


In this programme we will come up with an actionable step-by-step bespoke plan to ease the symptoms and find the root cause of your child’s issue. You will receive ongoing support in helping you to make diet and lifestyle changes, so family life becomes less hectic and stressful, and your child can enjoy the magic of their childhood.


I work with children and teenagers who have a range of conditions including:


DIGESTION - reflux, colic, diarrhoea and constipation.


IMMUNITY - allergies/intolerances, asthma, glue ear, rhinitis and eczema.


INFECTIONS - frequent infections, colds, flus and ear infections.


BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS - ADD/ADHD, stress, anxiety and frequent mood swings.

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